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As a top-ranking Amazon author, Judy Howard’s writing career expands across many genres –– memoir, romance thriller, travel, reality-fiction, and young adult and –– but the theme is always the same –– overcoming life’s difficulties. Following her two passions, traveling and writing, Judy Howard and her cat Sportster have experienced many adventures as they traveled across country in a Winnebago. Described as an inspiration and a firecracker, Howard has earned her titles as Motivational Speaker and Writing and Marketing Expert. When Judy is not traveling, she resides in southern Oregon in the coastal town of Brookings, Oregon with Sportster’s ‘Grieving Gift,’ Sneaker Wave.

Friday, October 15, 2021

Will It Make Our World Better?


Will It Make Our World Better?


Two months in  my new home. It is wonderful. It is a refuge, an inspiring place, it is my closet from my childhood.   When I was  a child, I had the luxury of a large closet with a low shelf that served as  a table large enough for a lamp and my diary.  It was my world. When I shut the door, I was not alone.  The closet was crammed not only with clothes  but Something which fed my mind and my spirit  with hope, love,  and dreams.

 My new “closet”  is filled with that Something. I am reminded that I have been blessed  by the loved of two good men and for that my heart swells and my tears flow as I overcome with gratitude.  One man was my better half and he completed me. The other man inspired me to do great things, to realize the love really is all there is.  Close or far way, love is the fuel that makes the spirit soar.

Today I need reminders of how blessed I am, how far I have come in my understanding of the world and its goings on.  I am grateful for my  experiences, the painful ones and the ones that knocked my little red socks off my feet.  – for all the encounters  have prepared me  for what is occurring in my beloved county today.

Some call it the Armageddon. Others  say it is an Awakening. I say it is what I, as an individual have
created  when I did not take responsibility  for the bad in my own little world. Some blame the Devil, another culture, or race, or a government. I am guilty too. Like the others, I saw the cause as something outside myself.

We are like  the raindrop who does not want to take responsibility for the flood.

Today,  I see I am left with only my ,words which will be most likely censored by those  who believe they can harness  what is not their domain – our souls.

But I have lived long enough to know that although I cannot see the big picture, like electricity  and the sun, the big picture  still exists even though I cannot  see it , there is a bigger picture.  I also  know  that I cannot ride into my future by  harnessing the will of others, nor by acquiring all the money in the world.

 Today and tomorrow are mine to embrace, but only  if I become responsible  and seek  what I believe is true for me. And what is that? For me it is invisible. I seek only guidance, not from the news  or socail media  but guidance through my  connection to a higher power whom  I choose to call God. He   lives in the closet of my soul.

Whatever I do or say  today. Will it make the world better?


Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Everyone Is Talking About It


 Once upon a time most  everyone was happy. There were no potholes in the road and a  Starbucks at every corner or the way home from work, and a game or a good movie waited for us on tv after a plentiful dinner with family.

 And then....

 Everyone was  talking about  IT. 

The whole country and soon the world was a-buzz. I would find  the trend amusing, I am sorry to say.  if it were not so scarey.  It is as if NO ONE  knew of  IT  before. But no matter. If we had ignored it before we could not now.  Because everyone was talking about IT and we became very afraid.

Our fear drove us  to blame and hate. Everything was wrong. 

Only yesterday, before IT, was  no one  being murdered in our inner cities? Were our children not being neglected in foster homes? Were they not being kidnapped by traffickers? 

Could it be that no one was dying prematurely and at increasing and  alarming rates  from  stress related illnesses such as  heart disease, diabetes, obesity, or suicide?   

Before IT, we were not concerned that our children did not play outside any more, or that they  did not know   the history of their own family or town. 
But of course, not only had  all these issues and conditions  existed, but these conditions  had been growing globally and at unprecedented  rates.  

 And then IT arrived. And overnight we became an enlightened population to everything  that was wrong. We were enraged and wanted change. We were now  wishing and hoping  and waiting  for someone and  something,  outside ourselves to fix all that is wrong with us, our country and the world. 

Everyone is still  talking about IT. 
….  as if there is nothing else.

What if....?

You didn't mentioned IT  for 24 hours?  for 48 hours? 

How long can you go without talking about IT? 

 We  began talking about  A NEW  IT!? 


Click on the link below to find out more about Judy's books.

Oh, and don’t forget!! Readers’ reviews  keep writers motivated.


Other books by Judy Howard: JUDY’S AMAZON  AUTHOR  PAGE

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Safe travels!



Shine a light on your shadows

Meet Cynthia Paulsen.  Last year Cynthia Paulsen, a new resident to Brookings, Oregon, a New Thought minister, and a delightful person enrol...